No one would have believed!

No One would have believed ….. hang on wrong novel.

But this isn’t a novel, this isn’t some thriller you can turn off when things get a bit too much this is life. This is March 2020 The year that started so well, So positive, so full of opportunity.

Friday 13th March started like most Fridays do. Wake up get dressed, get the big twins ready for breakfast club, get the little twins ready for nursery then Head out the door. On the way to nursery the world from our little bubble seemed normal. Except Today had an edge about it. Today was going to be my little twins last day at nursery for the foreseeable future. Today a shadow in my heart loomed as we awaited to see if our country was going into lockdown like the rest of europe and beyond.

For a while we had been seeing a future history lesson unfold before our eyes. To start with it seemed like the news of Corona (Covid-19) was far enough away from our little town to not make much difference to our daily life. But today just over two weeks later, life in our little town is very much far from normal.

To start the Kids are out of school for who knows how long. Originally they said maybe until after the easter holidays but i’m thinking it will be more like September before they are heading back to see their school friends, their teachers and before I get to see my school run mum / Dad friends.

People, Neighbours, friends, etc are working from home if they can or worst case they are out of work for the foreseeable future.

Though some friends, neighbours, heros are working more hours than ever before, more hours than they would have thought possible. NHS Staff, Fire Fighters, Delivery workers, Utility workers, Shop keepers and shop staff. They are all working what is now effectively known as Front line!

Our little world that sometimes seems massive is so very small when people have a virus that likes to spread.

The start of the year I had vowed to be better at life, better at simple living. Now there is no other choice. There is no where to be no where to rush off to. Simple meals are a must. A simple routine is what is keeping us from going crazy and embracing the simple pleasures in life are what is filling our souls.

As I write we are now in a lockdown situation. Allowed out only to buy necessities and for emergency medical reasons or to exercise. Most of the country are complying with this though there are a few that are just not listening to the rules. Having parties, heading to parks etc. Which makes me think that tighter measures are only days away.

As more and more people hit the headlines by getting sick my anxiety creeps in a little more making it hard to distinguish if a symptom is that of anxiety or “the virus”. Yet if it is the virus there is nothing we can do other than stay home, ride it out and if symptoms are unbearable only then will the hospital be able help. Help though is only in the form of forcing oxygen into our lungs. While our own bodies fight the virus! There is no cure, there is no vaccine.

I have to hold on to the fact that we are all in this together, we as a family are lucky to have a garden and each other.Some friends have husbands that are working miles and miles away from home. Some family’s are having to go out to work to be on the “front line” others have already lost a family member to this cruel virus. Some are going to lose their businesses.

I know that after this things most took for granted will be held that bit closer, that bit tighter. After this the world will still turn, people will party, they will hug, they will see the beauty in the everyday things that were lost during the lockdown.

Stay Safe everyone!

Nina x


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