Screen Free Tuesday – Im not feeling It!

Good morning everyone.


I have been sat here about an hour now

I have no inspiration to write.

Not about this topic anyways!

I really thought this linky would encourage me to live more screen conscious.

I truth we are living much more screen free as I engage in the children’s play more and we don’t have tv on in the background as much.

I have banned screens on school mornings so that we are all less distracted!

In the evenings I have stopped I pads at least an hour before bed time!

You know what I do feel a lot better

My next challenge is for me to not pick up my phone as soon as I wake.

So in a way this linky has worked a little.

But I’m just not feeling it anymore.

I feel panicked about giving you guys a good post then end up waffling like I’m doing now!

So I think I will be putting the linky to rest!

I gave it a go.

I am going to use the time to concentrate more on my youtube channel & other blog posts

Thanks for listening to my waffle





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