Back to school after 6 months of adventures.

So that day is finally here. That day that I’m so ready for. My kids are so ready for. 

Yet I feel so not ready!  The day we send them back to school 

Back to school after 6 months of adventures 

6 months of family adventures. 5 months of home schooling. 

I want to look back at this time when my grand kids ask about it for their history lesson as a time where we lived our best life yet! That time in our family’s life where we truly realised what life is about. What  matters the most. 

Back to school 

Today I send the big twins back to school for a new school year. But it feels strange. 

We have had so many adventures over since the pandemic hit. (Who would have thought that would be a sentence?) 

Oh the adventures we’ve had!

We’ve kayaked, found a love of river swimming, picnicked, geocached, cut our own hair, painted our own nails, cried, laughed, had at home festivals, traveled Europe from the comfort of our garden, played uno, watched box sets, hugged, finally saw our family, finally played with friends, celebrated birthdays together and from afar, took on an allotment, cooked and ate more than ever before, learnt too appreciate our local area, remembered to be thankful to those who help. 

What is Back to school going to be like? 

We don’t really know what’s going to happen In the next few weeks, months, or really ever? But Today we start our next adventure. Back to school. Back to some kind of normal. 

Keeping hold of that lockdown life

We may be getting back to some kind of normal but that doesn’t mean we have to let go of that life we lived during lockdown so I’ll be Trying to keep hold of those memories, those grateful feelings, 

Keeping hold of some of that life we created during lockdown.  

What do you want to keep hold of from lockdown? What have you learnt, or started doing since the pandemic hit? Are you ready for some normal to return? 

See you soon

Nina x 



  1. 8th September 2020 / 19:48

    My youngest went back to school on the 2nd too. He loves being back. He started Secondary School this year too and is so motivated every day. It’s lovely to see.
    My eldest starts college this Thursday (10th) and I think he’s a little excited too (although he doesn’t talk much so it’s hard to tell!).
    I have to admit I’m a little nervous about them being back at school. The fact that numbers are increasing is scary. And my kids want to go out to see their friends. It’s worrying. But I can’t hold on to them.
    It sounds like you had a brilliant time during lockdown. Hope your kids had a good first day back at school. x

    • Nina
      23rd September 2020 / 18:25

      It’s a really strange time. On the one hand we want that normality back for him on the other its like we are sending them out into the unknown!
      I hope you kids have settled ok. my 4 are loving it so far!

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