A letter to my big boy starting year one.

J, it’s almost time to start year one!

What a year it has been. When I first took you into nursery you were shy and not very confident without mummy.

Now look at you. You are confident in loads of things. You can say your lines in assemblies and school plays with loads of confidence.

You still love playing with your “misters” and I love that you can immerse yourself in that play.

You sometimes still need mummy more than Your twin sister M.

I know you are worried about what’s going to happen once your new baby brother & sister arrive. I’ll let you into a secret so am I.

But you are an amazing little boy and I’m sure you and the rest of us will adapt to the new life.

We’ve had a busy year. What with you learning how to swim. Playing the drums. And going on our family adventures. I can see a lot of your big brother in you and you idolise him and although this scares me a little I’m glad you have someone to look up to.

Just like mummy you love your food and often can be found at grandmas asking for an egg, a biscuit, or a bacon buttie.

You also have those boy moments when all you want to do is sulk or be a monkey. This is sometimes mummy’s fault as I get tired and ratty with you back. Sometimes I don’t realise how frustrated you are with things and I think you get this from me too! Mummy is trying to parent you and M better.

J you are going to be amazing in year one. It may be hard work. But now you have started liking writing and doing sums and going to break time with the big boys and girls so you can have a pizza snack you will continue to grow.

Love you little dude. I’m so so proud of you.

Mummy xx



  1. S archet
    4th September 2017 / 12:40

    Nina what a lovely letter for a special boyxxx
    You excel yourself sometimes xxxxxxx

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